If you cannot find the answer to any of your questions in one of the listed
topics below,
visit our customer service page at www.portofvirginia.com.
If you have pop-up blocking software enabled on your
computer then some features of this website may not work.
These features may include but are not limted to links to content on
other websites and TIR printing . Pop-up
blocking software allows you to disable the feature for specific sites.
If you are experiencing unexpected errors, one of the first things to try is
closing your browser and starting a new session. Also, log off the website and
back on again. Many things can happen to cause your session to go bad. The
two most common are listed below:
- Leaving the site open in the web browser for twenty minutes or longer with no
activity by the user.
- The Website has undergone an update since the last time you logged on.