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Virginia International Terminals, LLC
Revisions to Schedule of Rates No. 1- Effective May 1, 2014
Changes with No Rate Increase:
  1. Item 325 Equipment Rental – Changed wording to clarify billing of Standby in Note 4.
Rate Changes:
  1. Item 456 Free Time – Container – Added free time for import and export refrigerated containers of five (5) calendar days.
  2. Item 460 Storage on Empty Containers – Increased rate to $2.00/per container/per day
  3. Item 461 Terminal Demurrage Charge – Loaded Container – Increased rates for non-refrigerated containers and added rates for refrigerated containers.
    1. Non-Refrigerated Containers exceeding free time will be assessed demurrage charges as follows:
      1. Days one (1) through three (3) - $ 15.00 per TEU, per day, for the account of the steamship line.
      2. Days four (4) through seven (7) - $ 25.00 per TEU, per day, for the account of the steamship line.
      3. Days eight (8) and greater - $ 36.00 per TEU, per day, for the account of the steamship line.
    2. Refrigerated Containers exceeding free time will be assessed demurrage charges as follows:
      1. Days one (1) through four (4) - $75.00 per day, per container, for the account of the steamship line.
      2. Days five (5) and greater - $150.00 per day, per container, for the account of the steamship line.
  4. Item 499 Rail Rate – Eliminated the tier rates for lift charge; $55.68 per container
  5. Item 500 Free Time – Non Containerized Cargo – Reduced the free time for commodity of rubber to 30 days from 45 days.
  6. Item 650 Virginia Port Authority Security Surcharge – Increased security surcharge for containers to $6.25 per container. Added rate for Non-Container vessels and all others including barges $3.09 per linear foot.
New Rates Added:
  1. Item 454 Empty Rail Containers with No Associated Vessel Lift - $125 per container
VIT Schedule of Rates (pdf)
Notice of Revision to Virginian Inland Port Tariff No. 2: Effective October 1, 2013

There is no increase to the Virginia Inland Port Tariff, with the exception of the Minimum Billing charges which was increased to $57.15, it is based on the labor increase of 3.4% and will go into effect on October 1, 2013. The revision is noted in the link below. Date of this notice is August 29, 2013.

VIP Terminal Schedule of Rates (pdf)

For more information on rates please contact

Layberth Rate Inquiry Form
Contact Information:
Company Name:
Contact: Title:
Street Address:
State: Zip:
Email Address:
Vessel Information:
Vessel Name: Vessel Owner:
Vessel Type:
(i.e. Tug, Barge, Grain, Container)
Vessel Length:
Vessel Draft:
Crew Status:
Crew Number:
Layberth Period:
Layberth Reason:
Extent of Repairs:
Visitors Parking Requirement:
Confirmation vessel will be sea worthy, able to sail on 4 hour notice (hurricane)?

Billable Party:
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